
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I'm So Happy!!!

By Tamra Norton

See this picture? This is how I feel. "Why?" I hear you ask. Well, because for the last several months I've been working my tail off on a certain project. Basically the entire month of July I did nothing but write, and (aside from a quick trip to Utah) the entire month of August I did nothing but edit. It was crazy and hectic, and wonderful. I'm not sure I've ever been as deeply absorbed in a project as I have been in this one. But it's done! And best of all, the entire manuscript is in the hands of "The Publisher-Of-My-Dreams."

After nine long months of evaluation over the first three chapters of this project (including one requested re-write), I finally received a letter from "TPOMD" in mid August asking for the entire manuscript--music to my ears (and hysterical shouts for joy from my big mouth to my family's ears). I was still in the midst of editing however, so I dug in deeper. But on August 31st, I said a quick prayer and pushed the "send" button. My manuscript was on it's way through cyberspace to "TPOMD." This morning I received an e-mail stating that my manuscript (this time the whole pie) is in the review process.

...and the angels and Tami rejoiced!

Now maybe you're thinking I'm being too happy, too soon. Too optimistic. "Aren't you worried you're getting your hopes up?" I hear you say. Well, honestly, I'm just so in love with my little story right now, and believe in it so much that I don't think anything could change that. And I'm the type of person who has to look forward 100% with the belief that THIS STORY WILL SUCCEED! It WILL make it into book form! It WILL make it into the hands of children...and they will love it too. Sure, there's still room for improvement--there always is. But I'm looking forward. And the view from where I'm jumping-for-joy (because I'm too excited to sit) is incredible!

Stay tuned...

Oh yeah--click here to read the review and interview I did with Lu Ann Staheli for MAKE ME A HOME!


Marcia Mickelson said...

Hooray for you. It is so nice to hear your good news. It's great to be optimistic. Now, if only time could pass really fast so you could hear back.

Josi said...

That's so dang awesome, I can't wait for an update.

Robyn Heirtzler said...

Fabulous! I'll jump for joy with you! I hope you hear back soon. This waiting game gets old...

Julie Wright said...

OH YAY!!!! May the gods of ink and paper smile upon you and may tpoyd be smart enough to know how totally incredible you are!